What’s Cord Cutting?

When you engage in a relationship, any relationship, whether with a family member, friend, boyfriend, co-worker, business partner or even your home or job, it can create an energetic cord between you and that person or entity. Your cord becomes intertwined with theirs. This invisible, energetic cord works like a hose, with energy directed back and forth between both people or entities. 


The Cord of Attachment

This cord is often referred to as an etheric cord of attachment. You may feel that person “tearing at your heart strings” or even draining you of your energies. Sometimes these cords can hold unhealthy attachments such as co-dependency, fear of abandonment or unforgivingness. Therefore, for many reasons, it’s important to cut the negativity out of the cord and clear it out or cut it entirely so that you can live in your highest truth.

Works for Present and Past Connections

You can cut cords of attachment and release unhealthy ties with anyone, living or deceased, whether they are currently in or out of your life. Angelic Cord Cutting is a spiritual, healing technique.

Spiritual Connection

In our work with cord cutting, I call upon the guidance of the Archangel Michael who will help clear you of any dark and harmful energies, Archangel Raphael who is the Archangel of healing and Archangel Chamuel who helps bring in inner peace, resolve conflicts with others.

This work is only used for the highest good of all concerned. It will not hurt the other person in any way nor does it necessarily have to sever the relationship. 

It just cuts out the toxic and dysfunctional parts of your relationship so you can move ahead in your life, without that cord affecting you anymore.

How It Works

During a Cord Cutting session, we will explore the dynamics, feelings and emotions you hold from the relationship. We will examine what is still living in the cord and we will release the toxic energies and heal any wounds. 

We work with one relationship at a time.

Emotional Freedom

This work is highly recommended for anyone who has gone through a break-up, has experienced family issues, has had a conflict with another person that they can’t let go of or for those individuals who have serious and unhealthy attachments and are stuck in their emotions — fear, anger, anxiety, obsessive or distorted thinking, etc.

This is your opportunity to take charge, release the old and allow a clear path for your highest potential to flow to you effortlessly and easily. 

Ready to Break Free?

Are you ready to break free and move on to new and healthy relationships? 

Please contact me if you have any questions about taking this gentle step towards dramatic transformation!

Cord Cutting work is a one-hour appointment in person (within a 10-mile radius), by phone, In-Person or Via Skype, WhatsApp or Zoom. Each method is equally effective. 

buynow       In-Person or Via Skype, WhatsApp or Zoom $133